Getting the most out of your bridal trial
Having to go to bridal trial after bridal trial can be very exhausting; not to mention, it costs alot of money and time. Here are a few tips from on how to make the most of your time so that you can have one (trial)...and done!

Be Specific! Many times as a bride to be you may know the look that you have in mind but you're unable to verbally communicate that to your makeup/hair artist. No worries. Go surfing...on the web that is. Do some research. Print out pictures of looks that you love, and even looks that you don't love so that your Artist will get a clear vision of what will make you happy and what will make you run towards the nearest exit! Pinterest is a great new way to organize all of your likes and dislikes in one place for your Artist to see. If you're more of the traditional type, tear looks from magazines and bring those with you on the day of your trial. The more information she/he has the better that they'll get it right...the first time.
Don't Believe The Hype! As mentioned above, bringing photos and pinning all of these fabulously flawless looks to a Pinterest board is great, but there's a catch. Many images that we see have been altered. Pores have been removed from a models skin in photoshop, 30 ounces of hair extensions has been added to achieve that side swept bun that has you drooling with envy, and the list goes on. Keep an open mind and know that the images given are a guide to creating the best version of those looks for you, your skin tone, type, etc. and your hair length, texture, etc.. No makeup or hair look is a one size fits all model.
Say It Loud! Now is not the time to be shy. Maybe you thought you'd love that winged eyeliner and red lip because you're a vintage pin up girl at heart, but once you tried it, you found that it was just not for you. Say so. If you don't like something...say so. If you love something...say so. Trials are made for experimenting with looks to see what works best for you. Most times, you know right away if the look is for you. If you find that you aren't the most vocal person or are afraid to hurt the Artist's feelings, bring one friend along who knows you best, will tell you the truth, and be your voice.
Just Breath! The final and most important step to remember in this entire process is to breath. Bridal beauty trials are meant to be fun, not stressful. Letting someone pamper you is one of the most relaxing feelings ever. Take your time, trust the process, and don't be overwhelmed by too many decisions all at once. Express to the Artist that you'd like to break the face down and go step by step with them if you feel you may become overwhelmed by the end result if you see it all at once. A true bridal professional will understand and will want to ensure you are having a great experience.